
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Nutrilite Bio C Plus

Antioxidant with Vitamin C

Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant capabilities counteract pollution and environmental pollution, and to help restore vitality after the move. Bio C Plus enriched vitamin C from acerola cherry and citrus multiflavonoid as phytonutrients.

Nutritional Information / tablet:
250 mg - Vitamin C
220 mg of ascorbic acid
30 mg of acerola cherry concentrate
35 mg - lemon bioflavonoids
1.9 kcal (8 kJ) - ENERGY
0137 g - PROTEIN
0001 g - FATS

Benefits of Bio C Plus:
* The formation and maintenance of collagen
* Assist the production of white blood cells and form a protective boundary between infection / germs to other healthy tissue.
* Accelerate the process of wound healing, bleeding, bleeding gums, broken / fractured bones
* Maintain blood vessel walls
* Helps the body in the absorption of iron
* Assist the bidding process alcohol and other toxins toxins
* Nutrition antioxidants (in bulk)

Benefits for Children and adolescents (6 years old and above)
* Maintenance and growth of bone, cartilage, teeth and gums
* Increases body resistance against diseases

Benefits for Adults:
* Increase endurance
* Provides antioxidant protection
* Neutralize toxins from cigarettes and other sources of pollution.

Benefits for the Elderly
* Maintain blood pressure levels and cholesterol levels
* Helping people with diabetes meet the need of vitamin C
* Helping the prevention of cataracts

Nutrilite Chewable Concentrated Fruits & Vegetables

       Chewable Concentrated Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in phytonutrients that are beneficial to health and prevent degenerative diseases. However, we often consume less fruit and vegetables in the daily diet, especially children. Today, the NUTRILITE Chewable Concentrated Fruits & Vegetables comes in chewable tablet form as a healthy solution to answer the problem. NUTRILITE Chewable Concentrated Fruits & Vegetables contains natural phytonutrients from natural fruits and vegetables (pomegranates, tomatoes, marigolds, fava d'anta, orange) and fortified vitamin C. The content of phytonutrients in it is equivalent to over 3 servings of vegetables and fruit in each tablet for protection from free radicals, revitalizing the body's cells and support cardiovascular health.

Contents: 30 tablets

Product Benefits
content of phytonutrients Nutrilite Chewable Concentrated Fruits & Vegetables:
o Lycopene (tomato): helpful for cardiovascular and prostate health
o Lutein (marigold flower): helps maintain eye health
o Quercetin (fava d'anta): helps maintain cardiovascular health
o Ellagic acid (pomegranate): helps prevent DNA damage and maintain a healthy digestive tract
o Hesperidin (citrus): helps maintain cardiovascular health
exclusive concentrate enriched with spinach, acerola cherries, broccoli, blueberries, elderberi, carrots and rosemary for optimal health menafaat
available as a chewable tablet orange flavor, kids love

Dosage and Usage
children age 4 years and older and adults
the lack of consumption of fruits and vegetables
people who live in polluted environment

Suggested Dose: 1 tablet per day, after meals

Nutrilite Siberian Gingseng with Ginkgo Biloba

Improve concentration and memory 
with Ginkgo Biloba

Ginseng had always known would be beneficial to increase stamina and vitality. Ginkgo Biloba is widely used people for blood circulation and improve concentration and memory. NUTRILITE combines two herbs is by taking advantage of Siberian ginseng root more and more effective adaptogen than ginseng or ginseng Asian Americans, to help you get a high activity.

Contents: 100 tablets

Product Benefits
increase stamina and vitality, speed up recovery of the body, increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, helping to reduce the symptoms of tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and vertigo, as well as improve concentration and memory
helps improve blood circulation and the heart pumping, very well taken by those with high blood pressure
to increase sexual desire, particularly impotence
have a blood thinning effect that can reduce the occurrence of blockages in blood vessels
also known as a good antioxidant and slows the aging process
enriched vitamin B complex to boost metabolism and increase stamina
NUTRILOCK coating will ensure quality and easy to swallow tablet

Dosage and Usage
12 years of age or older
those with high activity
those who want to improve concentration and memory
those who travel frequently

Suggested Dose: 2 x 2 tablets per day, after meals

not recommended for pregnant and lactating
not recommended for patients with hypertension or high blood pressure
consult a doctor if taking blood-thinning medications before consuming this product
store the bottle in the refrigerator for more guaranteed freshness

Nutrilite Hi-Protein Powder

Nutrilite Hi-Protein Powder

Hi-Protein is made from milk protein and soy is one of the best sources of protein because it contains calories, low in fat and cholesterol. Provides 9 essential amino acids can not be produced by the body and must be obtained from food, and soy isoflavones.

Nutritional Information / 1 scoop:
410 mg - Isoleucine
790 mg - Leucine
620 mg - Lysine
300 mg - Methionine (and Cysteine​​)
690 mg - Phenylalanine (and tyrosine)
340 mg - Threonine
120 mg - Triptotan
390 mg - Valine
190 mg - Histidine
37 kcal (155 kJ) - ENERGY
0.4 g - FATS

Benefits of Protein:
* It is important for growth
* Improve and establish new networks
* It is a regulatory agency for the body because all the enzymes and hormones are proteins that act as a means of transport of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body
* As the antibodies the body and immune system to fight the disease

Benefits for children and adolescents (1 year and above):
* Growth and development of cells
* Increase endurance

Benefits for Pregnant and nursing mothers:
* For the growth of fetal cells
* Help production quality breast milk

Benefits for adults:
* Fix cells and form new tissues
* It is important for the healing process of the disease
* Suitable for ulcer patients
* Good source of protein for those who are dieting
* For athletes and who like to exercise, contribute to the formation of muscle

Benefits for seniors:
* As part of antibodies and the immune system
* It is important as a food substitute for calorie and low-fat

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nutrilite Liver Heatlh

Liver Nutrilite Health, love your heart

Nutrilite Liver Health

Our hearts work hard detoxify toxins or other harmful substances in the blood and then process it chemically so that these substances can be removed from the body through the digestive system or urinary tract. It is therefore important to maintain your heart health by eating nutritious food is always complete and balanced, limiting fat intake, and avoid alcohol and regularly consume Nutrilite Nutrilite Lecithin Liver Health & E in addition. Lesitinnya content derived from soy beans maintain healthy liver function, supports fat metabolism in the liver, and helps transport vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant.

Supplements for heart health
Nutrilite "Liver Health Milk Thistle and Dandelion with Plus, a natural supplement containing extract of Milk Thistle, Dandelion and Turmeric, practical and effective way to support your heart health. Drink regularly 2x1 tablets after meals every day, so keep your heart healthy and functioning optimally.

Shrub which merit
Nature gives us hope to have a healthy heart. Milk Thistle, (shrub, originally from the plains of Europe) efficacious for maintaining heart health. Silymarin contained in it is an antioxidant that may help protect the body from free radicals. In addition, silymarin may also reduce inflammation and withstand the effects of toxins or poisons that harm the liver.
Other herbs are also believed to have the efficacy to improve the condition of the liver is Dandelion and Turmeric (turmeric). For centuries past, dandelion roots and leaves are used to treat heart conditions such as jaundice, hepatitis and improve digestion. All parts of this plant has vitamin A, choline, and vitamin B is capable of stimulating the heart.

Turmeric is certainly not foreign to us, because it is often used for cooking culinary menus khan Asia and as a mixture of herbal drinks. And research, it is known that the bright yellow pigment contained in turmeric (curcuminoids) contains antioxidants and has the ability to ward off disease-causing micro organisrne.

- Contains a standardized extract of Milk Thistle (80% silymarin)
- Equipped with Dandelion root and turmeric extract
- Enriched concentrate citrus bioflavonoid and acerola cherries

- Supports the regeneration of liver cells
- Improve liver function
- Antioxidants
- Supports detoxification
- Improve liver function and
- Fitonutrisi to increase the absorption and use by the body

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Nutrilite Salmon Omega-3

Better Health with Omega-3

The benefits of essential fatty acids omega-3 not only to maintain heart health and cholesterol control alone. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that omega-3 also has significant benefits for growth and development of the brain, the low risk of developing asthma, prevent type 1 diabetes, and help maintain bone health.

Omega-3 nutrients found in fish, especially fish from the deep sea is not polluted. You can take Nutrilite Salmon Omega-3 to meet the body's need for essential fatty acids. The content of the two essential fatty acids, EPA (Eicosapentachoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexacnoic Acid), derived from salmon that live in a free pencermaran Norwegian waters. With EPA and DHA which helps maintain the health of your body.

Made from a live salmon in Norwegian waters free of pollution, which is one source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids best.
Provides 300 mg of Omega 3 Fatty Acids consisting of 180 mg EPA and 120 mg DHA. The content of Omega 3 Fatty Acid helps the body to:
- Maintain blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides that help heart health.
- Growth, development and normal functioning of the brain
- Participate in the immune system
- Slowing of blood clots
- Has anti-inflammatory effects and anti-cancer
- Smooth blood circulation
Contains Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps maintain the quality of fish oil.

Questions and answers
Are people allergic to fish or seafood to consume Nutrilite Salmon Omega 3?
Allergies caused by protein content in fish, in this product contains very little protein in it 0284 gr / softgel, so it will minimize the possibility of allergies.

Who is recommended to use
• Age 18 years and over
• Elderly people
• For those who want to maintain a healthy heart and blood circulation

Suggested Dose
• 1-4 softgel per day after meals

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Nutrilite Multi Carotene

Natural Multi Carotene, Vitamin A Perkusor

NUTRILITE Natural Multi Carotene

Nutrilite Natural Multi Carotene fitonutrisi contain beta carotene, alpha carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin which serves as a provitamin A and antioxidants that protect and maintain eye health. Current environmental pollution requires full of antioxidants as antidotes.

Fitonutrisi are bioactive components of plants that have health benefits like antioxidants. Consuming adequate amounts of antioxidants will provide protection from free radicals trigger degenerative disease. The study provides results that fitonutrisi in 5-10 servings of vegetables and fruits play a role in preventing cancer.

Product Benefits
• Nutrilite Natural Multi Carotene from natural ingredients made ​​from Dunaliella algae, palm fruit oil and marigold flowers, which contain fitonutrisi combination of beta carotene, alpha carotene is a precursor of vitamin A and antioxidants
• Contains Lutein is good for eye health
• Rich in antioxidants to protect body cells from free radical damage

Dosage and Usage
• age 12 and up
• those who want to maintain eye health
• those who want to increase the antioxidant protection
• those who want to prevent disease and cataracts-relaed Aged Macular Degeneration (eye disease due to advanced age)

Suggested dose
• 1 softgel per day, after mealsZ

Nutrilite Natural Multi Carotene fitonutrisi contain beta carotene, alpha carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin which serves as a provitamin A and antioxidants that protect and maintain eye health. Current environmental pollution requires full of antioxidants as antidotes.

Fitonutrisi are bioactive components of plants that have health benefits like antioxidants. Consuming adequate amounts of antioxidants will provide protection from free radicals trigger degenerative disease. The study provides results that fitonutrisi in 5-10 servings of vegetables and fruits play a role in preventing cancer.

Product Benefits
• Nutrilite Natural Multi Carotene from natural ingredients made ​​from Dunaliella algae, palm fruit oil and marigold flowers, which contain fitonutrisi combination of beta carotene, alpha carotene is a precursor of vitamin A and antioxidants
• Contains Lutein is good for eye health
• Rich in antioxidants to protect body cells from free radical damage

Dosage and Usage
• age 12 and up
• those who want to maintain eye health
• those who want to increase the antioxidant protection
• those who want to prevent disease and cataracts-relaed Aged Macular Degeneration (eye disease due to advanced age)

Suggested dose
• 1 softgel per day, after meals

If you are interested in these products, please leave a comment or message, we will answer it. thanks

Dia-B Chrompic

Damai Diabetes dengan Dia-B Chrompic

So far, we assume that the blood sugar level more than 200mg/dl may be called diabetes. In fact, the International Diabetes Federation has set a limit on the number 140mg/dl is normal blood sugar levels after eating.
Maintaining blood sugar levels to remain in the normal range can be done by maintaining ideal body weight, complete and balanced diet, regular exercise, routine check blood sugar levels, as well as consume Nutrilite Chrompic He-B. Single supplement will help maintain blood sugar levels, increase your metabolism so that the process of energy formation become more optimal.

Diabetes can affect anyone now. Factors that cause diabetes is not only obesity but also to genetic factors, diet, smoking, alcohol and stress. Even if you were thin or even a vegetarian could have been exposed to diabetes due to an unbalanced diet.

With the right supplements like Nutrilite Chrompic He-B, you can come to terms with diabetes without being haunted by anxiety at any time. He-B Chrompic Nutrilite will help you keep your blood sugar levels, increase your metabolism. Find out exactly how these supplements to help you make peace with diabetes!

Is diabetes curable?
Basically diabetes can not be cured, but can we control by keeping blood sugar levels. The trick is to run a healthy lifestyle and fit, the consumption of nutritionally balanced meals, exercise, healthy thinking, healthy environment, and supplementation. Add supplements to keep blood sugar levels. Nutrilite consumption-He-B Chrompic 3 x 1 capsule per day, 30 - 45menit before eating, combined with the Double X, Salmon Omega 3, Hi-Protein, and Nutri Fiber Blend for optimal results. If you are taking medicine physician, give pause to the Nutrilite supplements.

For insulin-dependent diabetes, is able to consume Chrompic He-B?
Diabetes that are dependent on insulin, it is suggested to consume Nutrilite-He-B Chrompic regularly 3 x 1 capsule 30-45 minutes before meals to help streamline the process of formation of insulin so that more efficient energy and blood sugar control.

What about pregnant women who have diabetes?
Pregnant women who have diabetes usually after childbirth no longer have diabetes, but there is likely to give birth to babies with diabetes. Therefore, pregnant women with diabetes, you should adjust your diet so well that his blood sugar levels can be controlled.

In the pattern of food should not be indiscriminate and have a recommendation of a doctor or a nutritionist so that the nutrients the fetus needs remain unmet. Mothers with diabetes are not advised to consume NUTRILITETM Chrompic He-B, because it contains herbs that may affect fetal growth.

If you are interested in these products, please leave a comment or message, we will answer it. thanks

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Nutrilite Double X

Nutrilite Double X, Stamina Throughout the Day

Nutrilite Double X

Optimal health can be achieved with a healthy lifestyle and ideal. However, nutrition is often not met from our diet, so experts recommend that every adult consume daily multivitamin and multimineral. Contain a combination of 21 vitamins and minerals to supplement the daily nutritional needs and support activities throughout the day. 17 plant concentrates are also enriched by more than 830 mg as an antioxidant derived from the best organic plant sources.

Product Benefits
Meet the needs of vitamins and minerals daily.
In addition to a multivitamin and mineral content in the multi, Nutrilite Double X contains additional plant concentrates. Nutrilite Double X contains 17 plant concentrates as much as 831.46 mg. Sources of concentrate taken from the best plants to use technology to determine the content fitonutrisinya chromatography.
Help meet calcium needs balk to maintain healthy bones and teeth also maintain the normal function of nerves and muscles.
Safe for them in the condition (haemochromatosis) where there is risk of a buildup of iron in the blood.
Can help people with diabetes to control blood sugar levels.
Nutrilite Double X is made in 3 different standard tablets contain content is basically to facilitate consumption without mengu ¬ creasing the amount of the ingredient.
Tablets of Nutrilite Double X is also packaged in an airtight aluminum, so avoid the contamination of air and heat. Nutrilite Double X is also in a plastic package tablet for easy storage.
Nutrilock layer will ensure quality and easy to swallow tablet.

Read Article Products
• Double X Increase Stamina Athletes

• age 12 and up
• those with high activity
• those who are vulnerable to stress
• those who face higher pollution
• those who want to ensure their nutritional needs

Suggested Dose:
• 2 x daily (each tablet) after the meal

Contents 186 tablets consist of:
• 62 multivitamin tablets
• 62 multimineral tablets
• 62 tablets fitonutrisi

What is the difference Nutrilite Double X and Nutrilite Daily?
The content of Nutrilite Double X is more complete than the Nutrilite Daily which is needed for people who require a high activity and excellent stamina.

Does it still need to consume other Nutrilite, if we have to consume Nutrilite Double X?
Nutrilite Double X will meet the needs of multivitamin and mineral base, but the supplements you need depends on your lifestyle, diet, medical history and environment. And there are some supplements that abortion is not in the Nutrilite Double X like. Nutrilite Salmon Omega 3, Iron Folic and Fiber, which contain all three nutrients essential to the health of our bodies.

Already seimbangkah your diet?
According to WHO data, Indonesia's population consumes only 2.5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day (recommended 5-9 servings per day). Meet the needs of your nutritional intake with Nutrilite.

If you are interested in these products, please leave a comment or message, we will answer it. thanks

Health is the Asset


Everyone will want to have optimal health.
As to whether it's healthy ...?
Whether it takes to be healthy ...?
We strive to provide explanations and solutions for you to live a HEALTHY SELF.

If you are sick and want to be healthy is expensive, so it does not hurt to start investing and stay healthy by HEALTHY SELF:
1. Have positive thoughts.
2. Has a Normal Weight.
3. Have hair, eyes, teeth, nails, healthy skin.
4. Eat foods that are recommended - 4 5 perfectly healthy.
5. Exercise regularly.
6. Do not smoke.
7. Get plenty of rest 6-8 hours per day.

5 Key Tips In Choosing Products Herbal Supplements Safe for Consumption:
Make sure the product has to have halal certificates of MUI (Indonesia Ulemas Council).
Make sure the product is treated with 100% of the base material to grow plants, grown 100% organically without pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and other chemicals.
Make sure the product clearly states its nutrition content, both Macro (Carbohydrates, Protein & Fat) and Micro (Vitamins & Minerals), in its packaging, and includes AKG (Figures Nutritional Adequacy) or RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of his. Thus it can be ascertained whether the vitamin or mineral contained in the product may have been insufficient or excess of body needs each day. It should be noted, that the excess vitamins and minerals are not absorbed by the body will accumulate as poison.
Make sure the product does not contain preservatives, although the preservative has been declared safe for consumption. Can usually be seen or written in kemasannya.Contoh preservatives: Benzoate, Sulphur Dioxide, Nitric K-, Na-propionate, Na-metasulfat, sorbic acid, K-acetate, BHA, Natamysin. Above the commonly used preservative in various food products are safe for consumption by reason enough in certain doses. Nevertheless, it is good to choose an herbal supplement products contain no preservatives, because in the long run, preservatives mentioned above have various negative effects to our body, from causing ulcers, allergies, reduce the ability of blood cells carry oxygen , genetic mutations, to cancer.
Choose a supplement that has been standardized. Generally, the packaging will be seen a sign indicating the product has been standardized by the competent authority. In Indonesia, the standardization carried out by the National Agency for Food Drug and Food (BPPOM). For products that have passed, the packaging will be written: POM followed by the registration number (POM: Food & Drug Administration). This standard includes testing the product for uniformity, cleanliness, and free from environmental contaminants such as lead, mercury, or drugs. Do not assume that all herbal products on the market were safe.

Nutrilite's time you know 
"-Best of Nature Best of Science" ...

Nutrilite is a herbal supplement products are made from natural herbs are grown with organic farming systems, without pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and other chemicals.
Over the past 77 years, Nutrilite became the only herbal supplement to plant, harvest, and process their own raw materials plant in the farm's own organic farm. Thus, it is natural to Euromonitor Survey in 2009, has been crowned this Nutrilite No sebagaiproduk herbal supplements. 1 in the world.


Nutrilite - "Best of Nature, Best of Science"


Nutrilite health supplements health supplements health supplements price of health supplement products.

If you are interested in these products, please leave a comment or message, we will answer it. thanks